So many people have been doing this, it looks fun. I'll join in, too. 1) What author do you own the most books by? Either Henry James or Virginia Woolf. Or maybe Jan Karon – all those dear Mitford books (guilty pleasure). 2) What book do you own the most copies of? I’m sure it would be Harry Potter books in various incarnations: American editions, British editions, books on cassette. Or Room of One's Own . I think I have three copies. 3) What fictional character are you secretly in love with? Laurie from Little Women . I can’t believe he married Amy. 4) What books have you read the most times in your life? The Chronicles of Narnia. 5) What was your favorite book when you were ten? I loved Beauty by Robin McKinley so much I typed half of it out on the computer and printed it so that I wouldn’t have to continue to go back to the library to rent it out over and over again. Then I realized it was probably illegal and hid it in my cupboard. 6) What is the worst book you’ve read t...
Reading, writing, traveling